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1 Buck  Tue, Aug 16, 2011 12:48:45pm

That "negative support of Israel" is really just some people trying to be even handed. Israel doesn't need even handed. Israel needs to know who is with them, and who is against them.

Leahy's failure to apply any measure of logic or international law to the terrorists in Hamas, whose every action constitutes war crimes and calls to genocide - which is a crime against humanity.

2 Gus  Tue, Aug 16, 2011 3:38:44pm

This is interesting.

Comment From The Office Of Senator Patrick Leahy On August 16th Haaretz Article On U.S. Aid To Particular IDF Units
August 16, 2011

“Senator Leahy does not discuss private conversations he has had for decades with Israeli leaders.

“However, the Haaretz article contains significant inaccuracies. He has not proposed legislation to withhold U.S. aid to units of the Israel Defense Forces.

“By way of general background about the Leahy Amendment, the law applies to U.S. aid to foreign security forces around the globe and is intended to be applied consistently across the spectrum of U.S. military aid abroad. Under the law the State Department is responsible for evaluations and enforcement decisions and over the years Senator Leahy has pressed for faithful and consistent application of the law."

So to recap, Leahy "has not proposed legislation to withhold U.S. aid to units of the Israel Defense Forces."

NJD, you might want to update this page with this new information.

3 zora  Tue, Aug 16, 2011 3:44:16pm

re: #2 Gus 802

thanks for that.

4 blueraven  Tue, Aug 16, 2011 5:02:11pm

What is it about the right and the negative support for Israel?

Sen. Rand Paul: We Should End All Foreign Aid To Countries, Including Israel...
After suggesting liberals need to give up some welfare spending and conservatives need to give up some military spending, Paul did not shy away from suggesting all aid to foreign countries should also be eliminated. When Wolf asked whether he was suggesting aid to Israel and humanitarian aid to African countries also be cut, Paul said yes and confirmed that he does not joke around when he uses the word “all” aid.


See how easy it is to turn this around NJD? That's a mighty broad brush you are using.

5 (I Stand By What I Said Whatever It Was)  Tue, Aug 16, 2011 10:11:03pm

re: #4 blueraven

Difference between paleo-conservatives (Pauls & Paulbots) and neo-conservatives (Bush & co): foreign policy (the former more isolationist, the latter more interventionist).

6 Laughing Gas  Tue, Aug 16, 2011 11:25:57pm

What is it with the trolls NJDHockeyFan and Buck? What kind of name is "Buck", are you trying to pass yourself off as a porn star?

7 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Wed, Aug 17, 2011 2:40:21am

re: #6 Juice

What is it with the trolls NJDHockeyFan and Buck? What kind of name is "Buck", are you trying to pass yourself off as a porn star?

Last time I remember you, you were attacking Dark Falcon and his nickname. I smell a troll.

8 Obdicut  Wed, Aug 17, 2011 3:18:06am

re: #7 Sergey Romanov

It is a rather odd assumption.



Not a pornstar, but a damn fine actor and stuntman.

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